Intuitive Goddess:
15 Spiritual Women Share Their Stories of Healing, Growth & Transformation
The Intuitive Goddess within you has been called to rise…
You are brave, powerful and destined for an extraordinary life. The voice that’s been whispering to you that your magic needs to be unleashed keeps getting stronger and now is the time for you to stride into your birthright. Everything you’ve ever wanted is right there waiting for you to become the woman you need to be to claim it.
The 15 inspirational women in this book share their stories of how they listened to their call into greatness and wrote their own realities; manifesting their love, health and success, and harnessing their feminine power to build lives far beyond their dreams.
These women have overcome loss and illness. They’ve rebuilt themselves after heartbreak and rejection. They have learned to put a leash on their fears and doubts, and step forward into spiritual alignment.
In coming to know these women, you will learn how to know yourself. your upbringing and social class don’t define you; your actions and intent do. Your desires aren’t just possible; they’re inevitable when you accept your calling.
The women in this book will show you that you too can manifest your innate nature, and become an Intuitive Goddess.

Shelley Sanders is here to provide nurturing guidance in love, career, finances, health, and legal matters.
Shelley offers beginner and intermediate psychic, mediumship, and oracle card classes. These transformative classes empower students to delve into the intricacies of readings, gain valuable details, and build confidence in their abilities.
Allow Shelley to tap into the spiritual realm, serving as a conduit to answer your most pressing questions and provide the clarity you seek. With her guidance, you can move forward confidently in every aspect of your life, guided by wisdom and insights of the spiritual realm.
Whether you desire a private session, a group reading, participation in a class, or attendance at a special event, connecting with Shelley is your gateway to clarity and spiritual guidance.
Click below to explore her services and discover which resonates with your needs.
Take a step toward illumination and transformation. Connect with Shelley today and embark on self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth.